Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vertical vs. Horizontal Stripes

i want to help people, really i do.
You know the Jefferson Airplane song, White Rabbit:

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small

The same thing goes for stripes: Horizontal stripes make you larger.
Now, if you are a waif, this could be a good thing. But for the rest of us, looking larger isn't so desirable.

Also, not all horizontal stripes are bad. Just make sure they work before you purchase/forage out in public. Get stranger's opinions, and believe them. Stay away from stretchy, tight stripes that wrap around, uh, the more bulbous parts of your body.

The other thing about horizontal stripes is that they can make one dizzy, if they must stare at you. Again, if you want the attention, go to young gal/lad.

Vertical stripes make you longer, leaner. They are happy stripes on all shapes and sizes. A standard in happy men's button-down shirts, for example.

So please, choose your stripes carefully. Thanks.


Elay Burd said...

this is one of the first lessons of fashion that I learned from my mother. thanks for informing the eeediotes. xo

christineeee said...

you have no idea the atrocities i was subjected to this weekend. holy cow.