Tuesday, January 27, 2009

They must be stopped -

You know who i mean, the Duggars, they must be stopped. i can't take it anymore. 18 children? And then your firstborn getting married within the same year as the newest sibling is born, that is just wrong.

The only shining light is that Plan B (the morning-after contraceptive) sponsored the Duggar wedding episode (where the 18-year-old son married a girl he's never done more than hold hands with... and the episode is complete with the father giving honeymoon-suite advice --allegedly, i refused to watch this or any other duggar-manic show.).

Plan B! If only the Duggars actively sponsored such a product... I was thinking of sending the Duggars hate mail; planned-parenthood documentation & contraceptives galore. Okay, enough & good night.