Need i say more? I took this picture on Thursday as i drove to meet friends. It's on Highland just below Fountain.
I have to say i've enjoyed the Palin bashing, she makes it so easy. It is rallying the most unlikely bedfellows, er, bed-ladies? and i don't mean that sexually in the slightest. It is a comedy that on the wrapper looks like a strategic move for the Republican ticket. But then Palin opened her mouth; and reporters dug (they didn't have to dig much) and the results have me hooked.
For example, the NARAL is having a bumpersticker contest:
"There is so much wrong with the McCain-Palin ticket that we hardly know where to begin. We've been trying to come up with some ideas-- will you help us sum up what this ticket...means?"
NOW published a press release with their sentiments on VP pick Palin, titled 'Not Every Woman Supports Women's Rights.' I had to take a few snipets, 'cause they are awesome:
"Gov. Palin may be the second woman vice-presidential candidate on a major party ticket, but she is not the right woman. Sadly, she is a woman who opposes women's rights....
John McCain's choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate is a cynical effort to appeal to disappointed Hillary Clinton voters and get them to vote, ultimately, against their own self-interest....
Finally, as the chair of NOW's Political Action Committee, I [Kim Gandy, NOW PAC Chair] am frequently asked whether NOW supports women candidates just because they are women. This gives me an opportunity to once again answer that question with an emphatic 'No.' We recognize the importance of having women's rights supporters at every level but, like Sarah Palin, not every woman supports women's rights."
Wowsers. You've seen the interviews with her; she makes a very scary Halloween costume, my friends. One that is made even more terrifying by the reality that this could happen.
As my mother said tonight, and i'm paraphrasing:
"Well, if McCain wins, he'll have a heart attack and we're stuck with Palin. If Obama wins, white supramasists will probably shoot him, so then we have Biden. This is an election based on VP nominees."
Wow. With that said, my mother now just may vote Democrat! Not exactly the optimism that we'd like to find with the Obama campaign but if it sways Republicans... I know morbid, morbid. Meh. For now, i'll just wait & enjoy what the most masculine candidate for '08 does next. I bet it is a doozie.