Ah, if only it was this warm & fuzzy; to get towed.
So last night i was visiting a pal who lives in Park La Brea. We totally forgot the time, but apparently PLB's security didn't. When i wandered out to the parking lot at 12:20 AM something was missing, my car. OOPS.
So i get it, i screwed up. So i go speak to the security guard, who is very put out by my dilemma. (sor-ry i had to interrupt your music-listening session and you have to work for 2 minutes, jeez!) He found it necessary to point out the signage about towing to me, as if i was illiterate. My response was something like (and controlled, i swear!) "I understand. I just need to fix this." I guess he was bracing for a fight, but honestly it was my mistake, so let's get on with it. I get the address of the towing company, which is over on Mansfield, South of Santa Monica/East of La Brea. I'm currently at 6th & Hauser, awesome.
And with that i hit the pavement. Hey, i'm a DIY kinda gal.
About 10 minutes later & i'm almost to Melrose, i get a call from my pal. So i'm chatting while power-walking up Martel & he notices i'm breathing a bit heavier than normal.
I get the question "Are you walking to your car...?"
"Uhm, yeah, kinda." [i am not a good liar when asked point blank & it's 12:45 in the AM]
"What do you mean, 'kinda?'"
"Well, uh, funny story. It seems my car was towed, so i'm just walking to the impound."
Let the games being! After much arguing, guilt tripping & being called "a crazy lady" for about five minutes, i acquiesce & let him pick me up & drive me to the car-pound. (I think it was the "i'm gonna get in my car & just start circling the streets" is what got me. and i was too tired to continue negotiating!)
So soon after my white steed arrived (in the shape of a Celica!) and off we went to find my poor car.
By 1:20 AM i had my car (139 smack-er-oos later!) and was on my way home, thanks to my hero!
And so I'm hoping my dumbness has been semi-entertaining & also moral-filled: read signs.
(of course anyone living in LA for more than 5 minutes knows this, but i guess i've gotten complacent! not anymore.)