Monday, November 19, 2007

Lookout, she's got him in doggie attire!

I've gone & done it... I've dressed my dog.
And worse than that, i've taken pictures.
And on top of all that, i'm sharing these pictures with whomever will give me 10 seconds of their day.

We're getting ready for our trip up to NorCal for gobble-gobble day & i worry about him getting cold.

Yes, i'm aware he has a fur coat.
Yes, i'm aware i live in Southern California where "cold" is anything under 65 degrees
Yes, i'm aware i'm breaking my promise of not being "that kind of dog owner."
Yes, it is a hoody!! How cute, right?

But c'mon, he looks so damn cute! And he actually looks like a boy doggie, yeah!

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