Sunday, June 8, 2008

How My Body Rejected Arizona

It's true, Arizona & I aren't friends. It's too bad, 'cause there were some things i really liked about Az, that i would consider to visit again except that that space turned me into a mucus monster (so pretty!). i have never, in my life, experienced such a negative physical response to a space.

and it wasn't as if i wasn't prepared, i had allergy meds, nasal steroids and advil galore! additionally i added the netti pot and other homeopathic remedies that finally began to work by Monday morning, yes, the day we left.

other than that, the time was lovely! met lots of interesting people, played with cameras and got to hang out with my best pal for three days. uber-nice, right? --oh, and i didn't get sunburned, miraculously! (as that really would have added insult to injury).

so if you plan to visit the south west & you already suffer from occasional allergies, i recommend going with a battalion of weapons to combat that desert air. ooh, and a preemptive strike is also a wise idea.

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