Monday, January 28, 2008

Juno & that addicting soundtrack!

Do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-Do!
Do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-Do!

Jeez. I am hooked. The CD is in my car. My iPod is charging next to bed, cued up to Juno, as its very own playlist. My computer doesn't play anything else. It's a music addiction! One that i've not experienced since i first got hooked on the whitestripes.
I sing it in the shower. The car, humming at the ATM. We sing it in the office, for crying-out-loud. It is bringing us closer together as we verbalize snatches of verses in an off-key way that is accurate!

Nothing like some simple music, simply sung with clever lyrics to reverberate among us. If you've not seen the film, please do. If you don't own the soundtrack, that should probably be rectified quick-like.

We sure our cute for two ugly people
I don't see what anybody sees, in anyone else...
But you.
Do, do-do-do, do-do-do, do-do-do-DO!


Anonymous said...

Test to see if anonymity works with comment fun!

Anonymous said...

And in the sea there is a fish, a fish that has a secret wish, a wish to be a big cactus with a pink flower on it.

Juno rocks.


ms_sarit said...

holy bejeezus. i guess i know what I'LL be doing this weekend. I've been meaning to see it anyway, just haven't had the time... And as for the music, well, i'll just take your word for it and order it now....

music = happy. i like music. music is good.

Anonymous said...

Peep! You are so cool for having a blog. Truly. That's all I gotsta say about that. :) Love ya. Simonee