Monday, October 15, 2007

Modern Jezus Loves You -

Okay, so right off the bat mad props have to go to Ms. Miss for this fantastic vignette. You must watch. Excellent find, lady!

Now, this clip is just one more notch of the jesus craze that has been circling in my circles; heralded by the most unlikely candidate who has been bitten with the jesus bug. i don't mean she is wearing the WWJCD bracelets 'n stuff, but we are all becoming camp jesus freaks, with Saved! being the catalyst.
--There's only one reason Christian girls go to Planned Parenthood.
--She has a bomb?!
--Okay, two reasons.

So as much as i'd like to believe my religious upbringing and that an attractive, bearded man in a loin cloth is going to save us all, i think i'd rather laugh about it instead. --and please note, i don't mean that, or any of this dis-respectively; it just happens to be what gets me through. Personal choice.

If you liked the above clip, there are many other modern jesus clips out there! Be forewarned as some are, uhm real/fanatical! But this one is not, so please do not pee your pants while watching this one,'cause i almost did.
And remember, jesus loves us, every one.
(Hopefully you channeled a Tiny Tim voice)


Elay Burd said...

Uh-Oh, I soiled. :D

ms_sarit said...

seriously, that is a hilarious way to kick it jesus style!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will survive. heh-heh. damn, that's funny!

oh, and "i was jew. i was bar mitzvahed!" yeah!